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Rotisserie chicken made and slow cooked to perfection next to lightly salted fries.

Choose from our Delicious

Find your Location

Carnegie, PA 


335 E Main St,

Carnegie, PA 15106

(412) 200-2682

El Pollon in Carnegie, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania!

Destin, FL 


4418 Commons Dr., Suite C

Destin, FL 32541

(850) 424 - 6028

Morgantown, WV 


1111 Van Voorhis Rd.


WV 26505

(304) 241 - 4407

El Pollon in Destin, Florida! By the beach!
El Pollon in Van Voorhis, Morgantown!

Morgantown, WV 


200 Fort Pier Point Dr.

Suite 110

Morgantown, WV 26508

(304) 943 -2097

Ranson, WV 


38 Joshua Freeman Blvd.

Ranson, WV 25438​

(304) 725 - 8635



El Pollon in Cheat Lake, Morgantown!
Our original location, El Pollon in Ranson!

335 E Main St.

Carnegie, PA 15106

(412) 200 - 2682


Monday - Thursday and Sundays 
11:00 am - 9:00 pm
Friday and Saturday
11:00 am to 10:00 pm

4418 Commons Dr., Suite C

Destin, FL 32541


(850) 424 - 6028

Monday - Sunday  

11 AM to 10 PM


1111 Van Voorhis Rd.

Morgantown, WV 26505

(304) 241 - 4407

Monday - Sunday 11 am to 9 pm


1383 Earl Core Rd.

Morgantown, WV 26505​

(304) 241-4698

Monday - Sunday 11 am to 9 pm




250 High St.

Morgantown, WV 26505

(304) 943 - 2137

Monday - Thursday and Sundays 
11:00 am - 9:00 pm
Friday and Saturday
11:00 am to 10:00 pm

Fort Pier point Dr., Suite 110

Morgantown, WV 36508

(304) 943 - 2097

Monday - Sunday 11 am to 9 pm

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38 Joshua Freeman Blvd.

Ranson, WV 25438

(304) 725 - 8635


Monday - Sunday

 11 AM to 10 PM


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